bible verses about eating pork

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The Bible contains many verses about eating pork, which is an important dietary practice for people of faith. In the Old Testament, God specifically prohibited the consumption of pork in Leviticus 11:7-8. These verses detail the various types of animals that are deemed “unclean” and therefore unfit for consumption. According to these verses, pigs are among the animals that are considered “unclean” and should not be eaten. However, in the New Testament, Jesus declared all foods to be clean (Mark 7:19), thus overturning this restriction and allowing Christians to consume pork if they choose. This article will explore the Bible’s various verses concerning eating pork so that individuals can make informed decisions about their dietary practices.Leviticus 11:7-8 states: “And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.” Deuteronomy 14:8 adds: “And the pig, though it has a split hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.”

Bible Verses About Not Eating Pork

The Bible is clear about not eating pork. God specifically forbids it in Leviticus 11:7–8, saying, “And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.” This prohibition was not only meant for the ancient Israelites but applies to all believers today.

The Bible also explains why God prohibited eating pork. In Deuteronomy 14:8, He says, “And the pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof completely divided, it does not chew cud.” Pigs are scavengers and will eat almost anything—including garbage and rotting or diseased animals. As a result, pigs can carry diseases that can easily spread to people who eat pork products.

Moreover, the process of raising and slaughtering pigs was often cruel and unsanitary in biblical times due to lack of animal welfare regulations. God prohibits us from causing unnecessary suffering to animals (Proverbs 12:10). Thus, avoiding pork would help protect animals from unnecessary pain and suffering even today.

In summary, there are several biblical reasons why Christians should avoid eating pork. The prohibition is clear in Leviticus 11:7–8 and reinforced by other verses that explain why this commandment was given. Even today there are good reasons to avoid pork—for health reasons as well as animal welfare concerns—and these support the biblical mandate against eating pork products.

What Does the Bible Say About Eating Pork?

The Bible mentions pork several times, always in a negative context. In the Old Testament, God commands his people not to eat pork in Leviticus 11:7-8, saying, “And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.”

God gave this command as part of an extended list of dietary laws that were intended to set His people apart from other cultures and to teach them about holiness. In the New Testament, Jesus makes it clear that these dietary laws were no longer binding when He declared all foods clean in Mark 7:19.

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Despite Jesus’ declaration that all foods are clean, some Christians choose not to eat pork for various reasons. Some believe that abstaining from pork is a sign of obedience and respect for God’s original commands in Leviticus. Others may choose not to eat pork out of respect for Jewish traditions or simply because they do not prefer the taste of pork.

In the end, whether or not a Christian chooses to eat pork is entirely up to them and should be based on personal conviction rather than religious obligation.

Leviticus Chapter 11 and Eating Pork

The Leviticus chapter 11 is a part of the Torah (Five Books of Moses), which deals specifically with dietary laws. It has several sections dedicated to distinguishing between “clean” and “unclean” animals and birds, as well as instructions about how to prepare food properly.

In this chapter, God instructs His people not to eat any of the unclean animals, like pigs or other swine. This prohibition includes not only eating the meat itself, but also touching its carcass or even touching any of its products. This commandment is found in verse 7 which states: “And the swine, because it parts the hoof, yet does not chew the cud, it is unclean to you.”

God also warns His people that if they do eat unclean animals they will be considered “unclean” and will be cut off from Him (verse 8). The punishment for eating such animals was severe; anyone who ate pork would be cut off from their family and community.

Although this dietary law may seem outdated in today’s society, there are still many reasons why it should be followed. For example, pork contains parasites that can cause serious illnesses such as trichinosis which can lead to death if left untreated. Also, pork is known to contain higher levels of fat and cholesterol than other meats such as chicken or beef. Eating large amounts of pork can increase a person’s risk of developing heart disease or type 2 diabetes.

Overall, Leviticus Chapter 11 clearly outlines God’s instructions with regards to eating pork and other unclean animals. While these laws may seem outdated in some ways today, there are still many good reasons why they should be followed in order to ensure good health and safety for all people.Deuteronomy Chapter 14 and Eating Pork.

Deuteronomy Chapter 14 and Eating Pork

Deuteronomy Chapter 14 prohibits the Israelites from eating any unclean animals, including pork. It explains that the people of Israel should not eat any animals that are considered unclean, such as pigs, and should not even touch them. The chapter also explains that the people of Israel must not consume anything that comes from pigs, such as their meat or fat. Furthermore, it states that they must not even offer their sacrifices to idols in a form of pork.

The chapter goes on to explain why it is important for the people of Israel to follow these dietary rules. It states that if they do not obey them then they will be judged by God and be cursed for their disobedience. Additionally, it explains that eating unclean things causes spiritual harm and can lead to physical illness.

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Ultimately, Deuteronomy Chapter 14 is clear in its prohibition against eating pork or any other unclean animal. This commandment serves as an important reminder of God’s holiness and demands obedience from His people. By following this commandment, the Israelites were able to keep themselves healthy and holy before God.

The Significance of Not Eating Pork in the Bible

The Bible contains many dietary restrictions, and one of the most significant is the prohibition against eating pork. In both the Old and New Testament, pork is forbidden to be eaten by Jews and Christians. This restriction has been part of Jewish law since ancient times, though it is not as widely observed today as it once was. While the biblical commandment against eating pork may seem arbitrary to many people, there are important reasons why this food is prohibited in both the Old and New Testaments.

The primary reason for not eating pork in the Bible is due to its unwholesome nature. In Leviticus 11:7-8, God commands His people to abstain from eating pigs, because they are unclean animals that do not chew their cud or have cloven hooves. The pig is considered an unclean animal because it consumes anything and does not digest its food properly. Therefore, consuming pork could lead to various health problems such as trichinosis and tapeworms.

Another reason why God forbids His people from eating pork is because of its association with idolatry and pagan worship practices in ancient cultures. Pigs were sometimes sacrificed or offered up as gifts to false gods such as Baal and Molech. Eating pork was seen as a sign of participation in these pagan worship practices and therefore was forbidden by God’s law (Leviticus 18:21).

Finally, there is a symbolic meaning behind the prohibition of eating pork in the Bible. While pigs were considered unclean animals that did not conform to God’s dietary laws, sheep were seen as symbols of purity and holiness (Leviticus 5:12). Eating sheep was therefore seen as a sign of submission to God’s will and obedience to His laws. By abstaining from eating pigs, Jews and Christians demonstrate their commitment to living according to God’s commands rather than indulging in worldly desires or participating in idolatrous practices.

In conclusion, the prohibition against eating pork appears throughout both the Old Testament and New Testament because it has important spiritual, physical, and symbolic significance for believers today. Abstaining from eating pork serves as a reminder that believers should adhere to God’s laws rather than engaging in worldly practices or participating in idolatrous rituals. Additionally, it serves as a warning against consuming foods that could be harmful or lead to sickness if consumed improperly. The prohibition against eating pork is thus an important part of biblical law that all believers should take seriously today.

What Was the Reason for Not Eating Pork in the Bible?

The Bible mentions several reasons why pork was forbidden to be eaten by ancient Jews. The primary reason given in Leviticus 11:7-8 is that pigs are “unclean” animals. This designation likely has to do with their scavenging habits, as they will eat almost anything, including carrion. This made them unclean in the eyes of the ancient Israelites, as they believed that eating something unclean would make them impure.

Additionally, pigs are considered an inefficient use of resources. They take up a lot of land and require a great deal of food and water without providing much in return. As such, they were seen as a wasteful animal and thus were not allowed to be consumed.

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Finally, pork was seen as an immoral food due to its association with pagan gods and rituals. Pigs were often sacrificed to these gods and thus their consumption was viewed as an act of idolatry. Thus, eating pork was strictly forbidden by God in Leviticus 11:8-9 because it was considered an unclean animal that was associated with paganism and idol worship.

These restrictions on pork consumption also had practical implications for the ancient Israelites since pork can easily spoil and can be a vector for diseases like trichinosis if not cooked properly. Thus, avoiding it altogether was a way to protect themselves from potential health risks while also adhering to God’s commands.

Why Was Eating Pork Forbidden in the Bible?

The Bible states that God forbid the Israelites from eating pork in Leviticus 11:7-8. This commandment was part of the dietary laws that were given to Moses and the Israelites by God on Mount Sinai. These dietary laws, often referred to as kashrut, prescribed certain clean and unclean animals that were allowed or forbidden for consumption.

The reason given for this prohibition is not clear, but it is believed to be related to hygiene. Pigs are scavengers and will eat almost anything, including rotting food, human waste, and even dead animals. Therefore, it was considered unclean and unhealthy to consume pork products. Another explanation is that pigs were associated with pagan worship practices during biblical times and therefore prohibited as a sign of faithfulness to God.

In addition to pork, other animals such as rabbits, camels, horses, shellfish, eagles, owls, and various species of fish were also excluded from being consumed by the Israelites. These restrictions were intended to provide a barrier between the Israelites and their neighbors who practiced pagan customs. The Bible also commands us not to eat blood or fat from any animal (Leviticus 3:17).

The prohibition against eating pork has been a significant part of Jewish law since Biblical times and is still observed today by many Orthodox Jews who adhere strictly to kashrut dietary laws. Christians are not bound by these restrictions; however some may choose to abstain from eating pork out of reverence for God’s Word or for health reasons.


The Bible’s stance on the subject of eating pork is quite clear. It is forbidden in both Old and New Testaments and is seen as an abomination to God. While some may argue that certain passages may allow for it, the majority of scripture leans away from its consumption.

The consequences of eating pork are also important to consider. Pork can contain parasites and bacteria which can be very dangerous to our health. In addition, it can also be linked to higher risks of heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer when consumed in large amounts.

In conclusion, the Bible strongly advises against consuming pork, not only because it is seen as an abomination according to scripture but also because of its potential dangers to our health. While there may be some debate about this issue, it is best to err on the side of caution and abstain from pork altogether.

Therefore, it is clear that following the biblical teaching on eating pork is important for both religious and health reasons.




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