bible verses about angels protection

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The Bible is filled with verses about angels and the protection they provide. From Genesis to Revelation, scriptures reveal how God uses these heavenly messengers to protect His people from harm. Throughout the Bible, angels are described as powerful servants of God who do His bidding, provide comfort, protect His people in times of danger, and deliver His messages. These comforting words remind us of God’s divine care and protection. As we read these Bible verses about angels, may we be encouraged that no matter what we face in life, God is always watching over us and providing for our safety.1. Psalm 91:11 – For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
2. Psalm 34:7 – The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.
3. Psalm 103:20 – Bless the Lord, you his angels, who excel in strength, who do his word, heeding the voice of his word.
4. Hebrews 1:14 – Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?
5. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.
6. Isaiah 63:9 – In all their distress he too was distressed, and the angel of his presence saved them; in his love and mercy he redeemed them; he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.

Angels Protect Us from Harm

The Bible speaks of God’s angels as protectors and guardians of his people. Psalms 91:11-12 says, “For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.”

God’s angels are powerful spiritual beings that serve Him and are sent to watch over us. The Bible tells us that they have the ability to protect us from physical harm and danger. Angels can appear in many different forms, but they are usually seen as a bright light or a glowing figure with wings.

When we are facing difficult times or feeling overwhelmed by worries and fear, we can call on the Lord’s angels for help and protection. They will guard us from harm and guide us along the right path in life. We can trust that God will send His angels to watch over us and keep us safe at all times.

The Angel of the Lord Encamps Around Us

Psalms 34:7 tells us that the Lord will protect us and send his angels to encamp around us. We can take comfort in knowing that no matter what we go through, God is with us and protects us. This verse reminds us to trust in God’s protection and guidance as we go through life. No matter how dark the situation may seem, we can trust that God has our back and will never leave us nor forsake us.

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The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, so we need to make sure that our hearts are filled with reverence and awe for Him. When fear takes hold of our hearts, it can be difficult to remember that God is always near and He will never leave us alone. But if we remember this truth, it can be a source of strength and comfort in difficult times.

We can also find assurance in knowing that God’s angels are always with us, ready to protect and defend when needed. While it is true that sometimes things do not work out as planned, God’s protection gives us hope for a better future. Knowing the Lord is with us helps strengthen our faith and trust in Him which can ultimately bring peace and joy into our lives.

Ultimately, Psalms 34:7 reminds us to cast all of our cares upon the Lord for He cares for us deeply. We should take comfort in knowing that no matter what life throws at us, we have a loving Father who is always present with His angels surrounding us on every side.’Angels are Ministering Spirits Sent to Serve Us’.

Angels are Ministering Spirits Sent to Serve Us

The Bible speaks of angels as a powerful force sent by God to help us in our daily lives. In Hebrews 1:14, we see that angels are “ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation”. These ministering spirits carry out the commands of God and are entrusted with the task of protecting, guiding, and providing comfort to those in need.

Throughout Scripture, we find countless examples of how angels have performed miraculous works on behalf of people. Angels have helped people in times of danger and difficulty, brought messages from God, provided guidance and wisdom, answered prayer requests, and served as messengers between God and mankind.

In addition to ministering spirits sent by God for our benefit, there is another type of angel mentioned in the Bible called “fallen angels” or demons. These angels have rejected God’s authority and now seek to do harm to humans. We must be aware of these fallen angels and take steps to protect ourselves from their influence.

Although angels are powerful beings sent by God for our protection and guidance, they should never be worshiped or given ultimate authority over our lives. We must remember that only God is worthy of our worship, admiration, and obedience.

As we look around us today it is easy to see how valuable a role angels play in our lives. They serve as reminders that God loves us unconditionally and is always ready to help us when we turn to Him for assistance. Next time you feel overwhelmed or discouraged, remember that you have an unseen force working on your behalf—angels—ministering spirits sent by God to serve those who will inherit salvation!

Angels Guide and Protect Hagar

The story of Hagar, the Egyptian slave of Sarah, Abraham’s wife, is found in Genesis 16:7-11. This passage tells the story of how God sent an angel to comfort and guide her.

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Hagar had been abused by her mistress Sarah and had run away into the wilderness. She was alone and despairing when she encountered an angel of the Lord. The angel told her to go back to her mistress and promised that she would have a son, Ishmael, who would become the father of a great nation.

God also promised that He would bless Ishmael and make him fruitful. The angel also gave Hagar a new name: “You shall no longer be called Hagar, but Sarah shall be your name” (Genesis 16:15). This was a sign that God had accepted her and was protecting her.

The angel then directed Hagar to an oasis in the desert where she could find water for herself and her son and gave her the assurance that God would make Ishmael into a great nation. After this encounter, Hagar was no longer alone in the wilderness; she had been given hope for the future by God’s angels who had guided and protected her.

God’s Angels Always Present

The Bible states in Matthew 18:10 that Jesus said: “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” This is a beautiful reminder that there is always someone watching over us, protecting us from harm, and guiding us through life.

God’s angels are with us every step of the way, from the moment of our birth to the day we die. They are there to comfort us in difficult times, and to help us make wise decisions. They also provide the strength and courage we need to overcome obstacles and reach our goals.

God’s angels can be seen as a symbol of divine protection and guidance. We can trust in their presence during times of trouble and ask for their assistance when we feel lost or overwhelmed by life’s challenges. Knowing that God’s angels are always present is a powerful source of comfort and strength for many believers.

We can also think of God’s angels as spiritual guides who help us travel safely on the path to spiritual growth and enlightenment. By trusting in their presence, we can learn how to live more fully according to God’s will for our lives.

Ultimately, knowing that God’s angels are always present is a reminder that we never have to travel alone on life’s journey—we have divine protection and guidance by our side at all times!

Angels Rescue Those Who Fear God

The Bible tells us that those who fear God are not alone. In Psalm 34:15, we read, “The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry.” The Lord watches over and listens to His people, and He sends angels to rescue them when trouble arises.

When we fear God, we can have confidence in His protection. Even when life’s circumstances seem overwhelming, we can trust in the Lord’s help. He will provide a way of escape from danger and deliver us from harm.

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In addition to providing physical protection from harm, angels also serve as messengers of God’s will and guidance. They bring messages of comfort and encouragement to those who fear Him. Angels can also serve as encouragers in difficult times when we need a reminder of God’s love and faithfulness.

We should never underestimate the power of prayer in calling upon the Lord for help. When we ask for help in our time of need, our Heavenly Father is faithful to answer our prayers and send help to us through His angels.

As believers, we can have faith that God will protect us and provide for us through His angelic messengers if we remain faithful to Him. We should take comfort in knowing that no matter what life throws at us, we can always turn to our heavenly Father for help and protection through His angels.

Angels Keep Us from Temptation

The Bible tells us that God sent His angels to protect us from the temptations of the enemy. In Matthew 4:6, it says, “And he said to him, ‘Away from me, Satan! For it is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’” Here, Jesus is telling us that we must keep our faith in God and reject all temptations that come our way. We need to remember that even though the devil will try to deceive us, God has given us His angels to help protect us and keep us from harm.

The angels are messengers of God who act as protectors against evil. They have been assigned by God to guard and guide His people on their journey of faith. Throughout the Bible, numerous stories tell of how angels have helped people in times of need. For example, in Daniel 6:22 it says that an angel was sent to shut the mouths of lions so that Daniel could be saved from danger.

Throughout Scripture, we see how angels have been used by God to protect His people from temptation and evil spirits. By having faith in these heavenly messengers, we can avoid becoming victims of temptation and sin. So if ever you feel overwhelmed by temptation or fear, remember that you are never alone; for God has given you His angels to be your companions on this life’s journey.


The bible’s teachings on angels as protectors are clear: they are our guardians, and they will defend us in times of trouble. We should strive to live in a way that honors God, and in doing so, we will be surrounded with the loving protection of the angels. We can also take comfort in knowing that even when we don’t understand why bad things happen to us, we can trust that God has a plan and will protect us from harm.

In short, God is always present and willing to strengthen us through His messengers, known as angels. As long as we remain faithful to Him and seek His guidance, He will send His angels to watch over us—they will be with us through thick and thin.




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