bible verses about eating meat

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The Bible has much to say about eating meat, both in the Old and New Testaments. From Leviticus to Romans, scripture is filled with references to the consumption of meat as a part of a healthy diet. Within these verses are messages of moderation and temperance, as well as warnings against gluttony and indulgence. Whether one is a vegetarian or not, these passages provide insight into God’s intentions for our dietary habits.1 Corinthians 10:25-26: “Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without raising any question on the ground of conscience, for, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.”

Romans 14:2-3: “One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.”

Genesis 9:3-4: “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything. But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.”

What the Bible Says About Eating Meat

The Bible does not explicitly forbid the consumption of meat, but it does have several passages that address the issue. In Genesis 1:29, God gives humankind permission to eat all kinds of plants and animals for food. Additionally, in Leviticus 11, God lists which animals are acceptable for consumption and which are considered unclean and should not be eaten.

The New Testament also contains instructions about eating meat. In Romans 14:2-3, Paul urges followers to not pass judgement on each other for eating or abstaining from certain foods. He writes that each person should be fully convinced in their own mind about what they eat or do not eat.

Beyond these Biblical passages, there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that eating a diet with more plant-based foods can be beneficial for health and the environment. Many Christians choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle out of an ethical concern for the welfare of animals and the planet. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide how they will honor God’s creation through their dietary choices.

What Does the Bible Say About Clean and Unclean Meats?

The Bible has many passages that discuss clean and unclean meats. In Leviticus 11, God lays out a list of animals that are considered clean and those that are considered unclean. Those animals that are deemed clean can be eaten, while those that are unclean must not be consumed. The list of animals includes mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish.

Among mammals, only certain species of cattle, sheep, goats, deer, antelopes, and gazelles are considered clean. All pigs (including boars) and camels are considered unclean. Among birds, the eagle, vulture, osprey, kite, ravens and buzzards are all unclean; however several other species including doves and pigeons are considered to be clean.

Reptiles such as lizards and snakes as well as rodents (including rabbits) are all listed as unclean in the Bible. Fish must have fins and scales in order to be considered clean; any other fish such as catfish or eels are listed as unclean.

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It is important to note that these laws were given to the ancient Israelites for their own health reasons; they were to avoid eating certain animals because they were more likely to carry diseases or parasites than those deemed ‘clean’. Today we understand much more about food safety than was known during biblical times; however many people still prefer to follow these guidelines for a variety of religious or cultural reasons.

Does the Bible Say Anything About Eating Meat?

The Bible does address the issue of eating meat, and there are certain restrictions related to it. In Genesis 1:29, God gives humanity permission to eat meat: “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.”

In Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, there are laws concerning which animals are allowed to be eaten and which are not. These laws classified animals as being either “clean” or “unclean” and only permitted the eating of clean animals. The main criterion for determining whether an animal was clean or unclean was based on its diet—if it ate only plant matter, then it was considered clean; if it ate other animals or carrion (dead animals), then it was considered unclean.

In addition to what type of animal can be eaten, there were also certain requirements placed on how they were prepared. Animals had to be slaughtered in a certain way in order to be considered acceptable for consumption (Leviticus 17:13). These laws were designed to ensure that animals were killed humanely and without unnecessary suffering.

The Bible also commands us not to consume blood (Leviticus 17:10-14) or anything that has been sacrificed to idols (Exodus 34:15-16; 1 Corinthians 10:28). This is because these things are associated with pagan practices that God does not want His people engaging in.

In general, the Bible does not forbid eating meat—in fact, several passages actually encourage it (1 Timothy 4:3-4). But it does emphasize taking care when preparing and consuming animal products so that we honor God with our choices.

Eating Meat in Christianity

The question of whether or not Christians are allowed to eat meat is an important one. The Bible does not explicitly forbid the consumption of meat, and in fact, there are numerous passages that discuss the eating of meat as part of a normal diet. However, many Christian denominations have taken a stance against the eating of certain types of meat, particularly those that are considered unclean or forbidden according to Jewish dietary laws.

In the Old Testament, there are several passages which discuss the consumption of certain kinds of animals for religious reasons. For example, Leviticus 11:3-8 states: “These you may eat among all the beasts that are on the earth: whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud—such you may eat.” This passage indicates that some animals were considered unclean and could not be eaten.

In the New Testament, Jesus himself ate fish and other kinds of meat (Luke 24:41-43), which has been interpreted by some Christians as permission for believers to consume any kind of animal flesh. However, other Christians argue that Jesus was simply following Jewish customs in order to fit into his culture at that time. They point out that he did not endorse or encourage eating animals in any way.

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Ultimately, it is up to each individual Christian to decide if they should follow a vegetarian diet or not. Some people may feel personally called to abstain from consuming animal products for moral reasons while others may choose to adhere more closely to traditional Jewish dietary laws. Ultimately, it is important for each individual Christian to prayerfully consider their own convictions when it comes to eating meat in Christianity.

Is Eating Pork Forbidden in The Bible?

The Bible does not explicitly forbid the consumption of pork. In Leviticus 11:7-8, God commands that the Israelites abstain from eating pigs or any animal that does not have a divided hoof and does not chew the cud. This commandment is part of a long list of dietary laws given to the ancient Israelites, and it is often referred to as the “food laws” or “clean and unclean” animals.

The food laws were given as part of the Mosaic Law, which was meant to help distinguish Israel from other nations and give them a sense of national identity. Leviticus 11:7-8 is part of a larger set of instructions given by God to Moses on how to live an ethical life. The purpose of these instructions was not necessarily to make the consumption of pork forbidden, but rather to encourage holiness and obedience among his people.

It is important to note that the food laws were only applicable to ancient Israelites living in the land God promised them at that time. In Acts 10:9-16, Peter has a vision in which he is commanded by God to eat animals he had previously considered unclean, including pork. After this vision, Peter realizes that these dietary laws are no longer applicable and all foods are now clean for him and his fellow believers. This serves as an example for Christians today who may be wondering if they should abstain from eating pork.

In summary, while there are some passages in the Bible that might suggest avoiding pork is necessary for holiness, most scholars agree that these passages are no longer applicable today and all foods can now be eaten without guilt or fear.

The Biblical View of Eating Meats

The Bible does not explicitly forbid the consumption of meat. In fact, some of the earliest instructions given to humanity by God were for them to be both vegetarian and carnivorous (Genesis 1:29-30). The Old Testament also records a number of occasions when God commanded His people to eat meat. Later on in the New Testament, Jesus Himself ate meat (Luke 24:41-43).

The Bible does, however, provide us with principles regarding the consumption of meat. These principles are about respect for God’s creation, proper stewardship of resources, and compassion for animals.

For example, in Leviticus 11:1-3, God commanded His people not to eat “any detestable thing” such as pigs or other unclean animals. This was a sign of respect for God’s creation and an acknowledgement that some animals are more suited to human consumption than others.

In Deuteronomy 14:8-9, God also commands His people to be good stewards of their resources and not to waste what He has provided for them. This includes being mindful not to consume too much meat as it can be an expensive resource that is best used in moderation.

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Finally, there are verses such as Proverbs 12:10 which emphasize the importance of caring for animals and treating them with kindness. This principle should guide our decisions about how we source our food and how it is treated before it reaches our plates.

Overall, the Bible does not forbid the eating of meats but provides us with principles regarding how we should treat animals and use resources wisely when consuming them.

The Benefits of Not Eating Meat According to The Bible

The Bible has much to say about the eating of meat, and there are several benefits of not eating meat that can be found within the scriptures. One major benefit of not eating meat is that it can lead to better physical health. Many studies have shown that a plant-based diet is more beneficial for overall physical health, and this is something that the Bible also promotes in various passages. Additionally, reducing or eliminating meat consumption can also reduce environmental damage and improve animal welfare. The Bible speaks out against those who harm animals, so by reducing or eliminating our consumption of animal products we are being in line with God’s will for us.

Eliminating or reducing meat consumption can also lead to spiritual benefits as well. By abstaining from meat, we can create more space in our lives to focus on things like prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices. This helps us to cultivate a deeper relationship with God and become more attuned to his presence in our lives. Additionally, by reducing our reliance on animal products we become more mindful about the food we eat and how it affects us both physically and spiritually.

Finally, there are economic benefits associated with not eating meat as well. By reducing or eliminating our consumption of animal products we purchase fewer items from the grocery store which can help us save money over time. Additionally, many plant-based foods are much less expensive than their animal-based counterparts so we can eat healthy without breaking the bank. All these benefits combined make it clear that abstaining from eating meat according to Biblical guidelines has numerous advantages in all aspects of life—physical health, environmental impact, animal welfare, spiritual growth, and financial resources.<


The Bible verses about eating meat are clear: it is ok to eat meat. There is no clear command from God saying that you must eat meat or not, but the fact that some of the earliest people were vegetarian can tell us that there is no wrong in avoiding the consumption of animal products. Eating meat is permitted in the Old and New Testaments, as long as it is done with respect and moderation. We should also take care to give thanks for our food and to remember that animals should be treated with kindness and compassion.

Ultimately, we must decide for ourselves whether to eat meat or not, understanding that there are good arguments on both sides of the issue. We need to remember that all food comes from God and that we should glorify Him in whatever way we choose to feed ourselves.

As Christians, we must strive to make decisions which are pleasing to God, honoring Him in every aspect of our lives, including our diet.




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