bible verses about borrowing money

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The Bible has much to say about the subject of borrowing money. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, scripture is filled with verses that provide insight and guidance on how to manage debt and lending. In this article, we’ll explore some of the Bible’s most important verses on borrowing money and discuss what they mean for believers today.”The borrower is servant to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7
“Do not be one of those who shakes hands in a pledge, one of those who is surety for debts.” Proverbs 22:26
“Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8
“Lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.” Luke 6:35

What Does the Bible Say about Borrowing Money?

The Bible has a lot to say about borrowing money and understanding how to use credit responsibly. In Proverbs 22:7, it states, “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” This verse is a reminder that debt can be a burden and can lead to financial difficulty if not managed properly. That being said, there are many instances in which borrowing money can be helpful and beneficial.

In Deuteronomy 28:12-13, God promises that if we follow his laws he will grant us blessings such as financial security. This passage acknowledges that debt can be used to help us achieve greater financial stability and success. As long as we are responsible with our borrowing and use it for good, then it can be an incredibly useful tool in achieving our goals.

It is important to remember that while borrowing money can be beneficial, it should never be taken lightly. Ecclesiastes 5:5 advises us against taking on too much debt by reminding us that “the borrower is servant to the lender”. This verse encourages us to think responsibly about taking out loans and ensure that we do not overextend ourselves financially.

Overall, it is clear that God does not condemn those who choose to borrow money, but He does emphasize wise decision making when doing so. We should always strive to use credit responsibly and avoid taking on too much debt so as not to become overwhelmed or unable to repay what we owe.

Proverbs on Borrowing Money

Borrowed money is meant to be repaid with interest, and there are many proverbs about the importance of being responsible with borrowing. These proverbs warn against taking on too much debt, as it can be difficult to repay with added interest. Here are some of the most commonly heard proverbs about borrowing money:

• “A penny saved is a penny earned.” This proverb encourages people to save their money rather than borrow it.

• “It’s better to have something than nothing at all.” This proverb reminds us that while borrowing may seem like an attractive option, it can often lead to more debt in the long run.

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• “Borrow not beyond thy power to pay.” This proverb suggests that you should only borrow as much as you can afford to pay back.

• “Necessity knows no law.” This proverb suggests that when we are in need, we may be tempted to borrow even if it is not the wisest decision financially.

• “A borrower is a slave to the lender.” This proverb warns against taking on too much debt as it can lead to financial servitude and a loss of freedom.

These proverbs are meant to remind us of the importance of responsible borrowing and financial planning for our future. It is important for all of us to remember these wise words when considering whether or not we should take out a loan or credit card debt, so that we do not find ourselves in over our heads financially.

Do Not Borrow Money with Interest

The Bible instructs us not to borrow money with interest. This is stated in Exodus 22:25 which says, “If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.” Usury is defined as the practice of lending money with an interest rate attached. It is a form of exploitation that takes advantage of the need for resources by those who are in financial hardship.

When someone borrows money with interest, they are actually paying more than they borrowed and often in a shorter period of time. This creates a cycle of debt and poverty that can be difficult to break out of. It also creates a burden on the lender because it has to be repaid over time with additional payments that are much higher than the original loan amount.

We should all strive to follow God’s commandment and avoid borrowing money with interest whenever possible. We should also look for ways to help those who are in need by offering assistance instead of taking advantage of them financially. There are many organizations that offer low-interest loans or other forms of assistance for those in need so we should seek out these opportunities when we can.

Do Not Charge Interest on Loans to Fellow Israelites

The Bible instructs us not to charge interest on loans to our fellow Israelites. This is stated in Deuteronomy 23:19, which reads, “You shall not charge interest on loans to your brother, interest on money, interest on food, or interest on anything that is lent for interest.” This passage is part of the Law of Moses and serves as an important reminder that God wants us to be generous and merciful towards our fellow Israelites.

It is important to note that God does not expect us to give away everything we have for free. Rather, He encourages us to show mercy and compassion when giving out loans and other financial aid. We are also called upon to be responsible stewards of our resources and handle them with wisdom and integrity.

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We can show kindness and mercy by offering loans at reasonable rates, or even waiving fees or charges altogether if possible. We are also encouraged to forgive a debt if it becomes clear that the borrower cannot repay it back. These acts of kindness can make a huge difference in the lives of our fellow Israelites who are struggling with financial difficulties.

Ultimately, Deuteronomy 23:19 reminds us of the importance of being generous and compassionate when providing financial assistance to those in need. We should be mindful of this commandment from God when lending money or providing other forms of aid so that we can show mercy towards our brothers and sisters in need.

Give without Expectation of Return

When Jesus spoke in the Sermon on the Mount, he said that it is more blessed to give than to receive. This means that when we give without any expectation of return, we are blessed and rewarded in a way that we may not always be able to comprehend. We may never know the full extent of how much our act of kindness has impacted someone else’s life, but it’s important to take comfort in knowing that it did.

Giving without expecting anything in return is an incredible act of selflessness and kindness. It is an attitude that says, “I want to help you even if I don’t get anything out of it.” It is a way of showing others that you care for them and are willing to go out of your way for them no matter what. Furthermore, by giving without expecting anything in return, we can consciously choose to break free from any sense of entitlement or need for recognition or reward.

Giving without expectation also carries with it a sense of freedom—freedom from feeling that one has something owed to them or must be paid back at some point in time. When we give freely and without expectation, we can tap into the joy and power that comes with generosity and selflessness—knowing that our gifts are given freely because they are gifts from our hearts.

The beauty of giving without expectation is that it will inevitably come back around in some form or another—whether through direct reciprocation or through the karmic cycle—but by not expecting something tangible or specific in return for our acts of generosity, we can learn to appreciate the blessings no matter how they come back.

In essence, by giving freely and without expectation, we open ourselves up to receive an abundance of blessings from the universe. We will never know exactly what those blessings will look like until they arrive at our doorstep but one thing is certain: when we give freely and with love, good things always follow!

Be Generous and Willing to Share

The book of Proverbs encourages us to be generous and willing to share with others. Generosity is a virtue that brings joy and blessing to those who give as well as those who receive. It is a sign of faithfulness and trust in God, knowing that He will provide for our needs. When we are generous and willing to share, it often leads to stronger relationships and community. We can show our love and care for others by being generous with our time, talents, resources, and knowledge.

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When we are generous with our finances, it can make a huge impact in the lives of those around us. We can give financially to those in need or donate money to charities or causes we believe in. It’s also important to be generous with our time as well – spending time volunteering or helping out where needed can make a big difference in someone’s life.

Sharing what we have with others is an act of kindness that can bring joy and fulfillment for both parties involved. It helps build relationships, foster understanding, create new experiences, and open up opportunities for growth. Being generous is not about material possessions but rather about embracing the spirit of giving from the heart.

We should seek God’s guidance on how He wants us to be generous with our gifts and resources so that it may bring Him glory. By being willing to share what we have, we can make a positive difference in the world around us.

Give to Everyone Who Asks

The Bible teaches us that we are to give to everyone who asks. In Matthew 5:42, Jesus says, “Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.” This verse encourages us to be generous and giving in our relationships. We should not withhold anything from those who need it. We should be willing to share our resources with others, even if it means sacrificing a bit of our own comfort or convenience.

The Bible also reminds us that we should not give out of a sense of obligation or duty but out of love for those we are helping. Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” We should never expect something in return for our generosity; rather, we should give without expecting anything back.

Finally, it is important to remember that when someone asks for help, it is a sign of vulnerability and trust. We can show them kindness and compassion by being generous with our resources and offering assistance when needed. By giving freely and with love, we can be examples of God’s unconditional love for humanity.


The Bible is clear about borrowing money. It should be done only in extreme circumstances and then with the utmost caution, as it can be difficult to repay. We should always remember that God is our ultimate Provider, and we should rely on Him for what we need. As Proverbs 22:7 says, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is a slave to the lender.” We should strive to live within our means, use what God has provided us, and seek His wisdom in all our financial decisions.

The Bible doesn’t just talk about borrowing money – it offers guidance on how to manage finances responsibly. It encourages us to save and invest wisely, spend frugally, and give generously. By following these principles we can learn to live within our means and be responsible stewards of God’s resources.




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