bible verses about borders and walls

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The Bible has a lot to say about borders and walls, from the story of the Tower of Babel to the commandments to protect our boundaries. In many cases, these passages are interpreted as instructions for us to honor and respect our national and cultural borders. They also call us to remember that the walls that separate us should not keep us from loving and caring for one another. Here are some Bible verses about borders and walls that provide insight into how we can live in harmony with each other.”Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray.” Proverbs 10:17
“You shall appoint judges and officers in all your towns that the Lord your God is giving you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment.” Deuteronomy 16:18
“He who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7

What the Bible says about Walls and Borders

The Bible contains numerous references to walls and borders, from both physical and spiritual perspectives. In the Old Testament we read of walls being built to protect cities, such as those built by King Solomon in Jerusalem (1 Kings 3:1). In Numbers 35:5-6, God instructs Moses to set up boundaries around cities of refuge, where those accused of unintentional manslaughter could find refuge. In the New Testament, Jesus refers to spiritual walls when he tells his disciples to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44).

The concept of borders is also present in Scripture. In Joshua 1-2, God commands Joshua to draw a boundary line around the Promised Land. Similarly, Deuteronomy 19:14 instructs the people of Israel not to move their neighbor’s boundary markers. This reference is often used today as an example of respecting others’ property rights.

At times, God also uses walls and borders as a symbol for protection and security. Psalm 125:2 says “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.” Here God is using a physical image to demonstrate his protection over his people. Similarly in Isaiah 26:1-2 we read “In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: We have a strong city; God makes salvation its walls and ramparts. Open the gates that the righteous nation may enter, the nation that keeps faith.” Here again we see a physical wall being used as a metaphor for divine protection from harm.

Overall, it can be said that while walls and borders can serve practical purposes such as providing security or marking boundaries between nations or property lines; they also carry spiritual implications too – providing safety from harm or representing divine protection from our enemies

Walls and Borders in the Bible

The Bible often refers to walls and borders, both literal and figurative. In the Old Testament, walls were a sign of strength and security. For example, when the children of Israel left Egypt they built a wall around their camp to protect themselves from attack (Exodus 14:22). The book of Nehemiah is about the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls in order to secure the city (Nehemiah 4:15).

Figuratively, walls can also be used as a symbol of separation. God divided the sea so that his people could pass through safely while their enemies were destroyed (Exodus 14:21-22). The Lord also commanded Israel to build a wall between them and their pagan neighbors (Ezekiel 13:10-12).

In the New Testament, Jesus speaks of building walls between people rather than tearing them down. When he addressed the crowds in Matthew 7:3 he said “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” He was cautioning against judging others too harshly while ignoring our own faults.

Another example is found in 1 Corinthians 11:13-16, where Paul warns against divisions among believers due to cultural differences. He encourages Christians to “come together as one” instead of allowing pride or prejudice to divide them.

Finally, we can look at borders as symbolic boundaries between nations or individuals. In Psalm 2:2 we read that “the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and His Anointed” – an example of how nations might unite against God’s will. In Ephesians 2:14-16 we are reminded that Christ has broken down barriers between Jew and Gentile so that all can be reconciled with God through faith in Him.

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The Bible teaches us much about walls and borders; both physical and spiritual boundaries can separate us from each other or bring us closer together depending on how they are used. We must remember that these boundaries are not meant to keep people out but rather to protect those within by providing safety and unity within relationships.

Understanding the Significance of Walls and Borders in the Bible

The Bible is full of references to walls and borders, both literal and figurative. In the Bible, walls are often seen as symbols of protection from outside forces or enemies, both physical and spiritual. They also serve as a symbol of God’s covenant with His people—a reminder of His promises to protect them from harm. Throughout the Bible, walls are used to separate sacred spaces from the profane and to mark boundaries between nations and tribes. In addition, walls can be a symbol of separation between God’s people and those who do not share their faith.

In the Old Testament, one of the most well-known examples of a wall is found in Nehemiah 3:1-32. Here Nehemiah leads a group of people in rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem that had been destroyed by Babylonian armies decades earlier. The rebuilding of the wall is seen as an act of faithfulness to God’s covenant with His people—a sign that God will protect them against their enemies if they remain faithful to Him. The rebuilding also serves as a reminder to Israel that they must remain vigilant against those who may try to break down their walls—both literal and figurative—and lead them away from their faith in God.

In addition to physical barriers, there are also symbolic borders throughout the Bible that serve as reminders of God’s promises or warnings against idolatry or other sins. For example, in Exodus 19:12-15, Moses sets up a boundary around Mount Sinai before he gives his people the Ten Commandments so that no one can approach it without permission. This boundary is symbolic of how far one must go in order to draw near to God—a reminder that no one can enter into His presence without first seeking His approval and being obedient to His commands. Similarly, in Deuteronomy 11:22-25, Moses sets up boundaries around cities so that Israelites will not be tempted by idolatrous practices outside their own city limits.

The concept of walls and borders is also seen throughout New Testament teachings as well. Jesus Himself often spoke about these boundaries when He told parables such as Luke 15:11-32 about lost sheep being found behind literal or figurative fences or gates (Matthew 18:10). In this parable He teaches us about our need for repentance before we can enter into eternal life (John 14:6). Additionally, Paul often speaks about spiritual boundaries in his letters such as Romans 7:7-25 where he speaks about how believers should guard themselves against temptation by staying within certain spiritual “walls” or limitations set by God’s Word (Philippians 3:17-21).

Walls and borders play an important role throughout Scripture—both literally and figuratively—serving as reminders for us today about our need for protection from outside forces, remaining faithful to God’s covenant with us, separating ourselves from idolatry and other sins, seeking repentance before entering into eternal life, and protecting ourselves against temptation through obedience to God’s Word.

The Purpose of Building Walls and Establishing Borders in Scripture

In the Bible, the purpose of building walls and establishing borders is often used to refer to God’s protection. The imagery of walls and borders is a reference to the protection that God provides for his people. Throughout scripture, there are numerous references to God’s protection provided through physical barriers such as walls and borders. In particular, the book of Nehemiah records how God provided Nehemiah with the wisdom and strength he needed to build walls around Jerusalem in order to protect it from its enemies.

In addition to providing physical barriers, building walls and establishing borders can also be seen as a way of separating good from evil or light from darkness. This is seen in many passages throughout scripture such as Isaiah 26:1 which states: “In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: We have a strong city; God makes salvation its walls and ramparts” (NIV). This verse illustrates how God can use physical barriers such as walls and ramparts to separate those who are faithful from those who are not.

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Building walls and establishing borders can also be seen as a way of creating order and structure within a society or community. This is illustrated in Nehemiah 3 where Nehemiah organized the work crews to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall according to their family groups. This not only provided structure for the rebuilding process but it also helped create unity amongst the people of Jerusalem by uniting them under one common cause.

Furthermore, building walls or establishing borders can also be seen as an expression of faithfulness towards God’s laws and commandments. For instance, when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, he ordered them to build a wall around their camp so they could remain obedient to God’s laws (Exodus 25:22). Likewise, when Joshua led Israel into Canaan he commanded them to build a stone memorial so they could remember their commitment to serve God (Joshua 4:20-21). Thus, by building these physical barriers they were expressing their faithfulness towards God’s commands.

In conclusion, throughout scripture there are numerous examples which demonstrate how building walls and establishing borders served an important purpose in protecting people from danger, separating good from evil, creating order within society, and expressing faithfulness towards God’s laws. Thus it is clear that these physical barriers have been used throughout scripture for more than just protecting boundaries between nations but rather they were used as symbols of faithfulness towards God’s commands.

Bible Verses about Borders and Walls

The Bible has many references to borders and walls that have been used in different ways. In the Old Testament, walls were used to protect cities from the enemy, while in the New Testament, they were used as a symbol for protection and unity. Here are some Bible verses about borders and walls that can help us understand their meaning:

Deuteronomy 19:14: “You shall not move your neighbor’s boundary stone, set up by your predecessors in the inheritance you receive in the land that the Lord your God is giving you to possess.” This verse speaks of respecting boundaries set by others and honoring them. It is also a reminder to us not to intrude on another’s rights or property.

Nehemiah 4:17-18: “Those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other hand held a weapon.” This verse speaks of how Nehemiah led people in rebuilding Jerusalem’s wall of defense. It also serves as an example of how we should be willing to work hard and be prepared to defend ourselves if necessary.

Psalm 62:6: “He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.” This verse reminds us that God is our ultimate protector and refuge. We should trust that He will provide for our needs as well as our security.

Isaiah 26:1: “In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: ‘We have a strong city; God makes salvation its walls and ramparts.’” This verse speaks of how God provides us with spiritual protection through His salvation. He is our fortress and our stronghold, no matter what we are facing.

These Bible verses about borders and walls remind us of our need for boundaries, both physical and spiritual. They also show us how important it is to respect others’ boundaries as well as protect ourselves from harm. We should always remember to trust in God’s protection for all our needs.

Examples of God Commanding to Build Walls and Establish Borders in the Scriptures

The Bible contains numerous examples of God commanding people to build walls and establish borders. In the Old Testament, when God commanded the Israelites to conquer and inhabit the land of Canaan, He also commanded them to build walls around their cities. In Joshua 6:20, it says, “So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, that the people shouted with a great shout, and the wall fell down flat”. This was a literal wall built by God’s command for protection against their enemies.

In Nehemiah 2:17-18 it says “Then I said unto them, Ye see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach. And I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king’s words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build”. Here we see Nehemiah rebuilding a literal wall around Jerusalem as an act of obedience to God.

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Lastly in Ezekiel 45:1-2 it says “Moreover when ye shall divide by lot the land for inheritance, ye shall offer an oblation unto Yahweh, an holy portion of the land: The length shall be from north side five thousand five hundred reeds; even unto south side five thousand five hundred reeds; and its breadth from east side five thousand reeds; even unto west side five thousand reeds; offering for it an holy portion for all its border round about”. Here we see God establishing borders around a piece of land as part of His plan for Israel.

It is clear from these examples that God is not opposed to walls or borders being established within His plan for His people. He has commanded His people throughout history to build walls for protection against enemies or establish borders around pieces of land for inheritance purposes. These commands demonstrate His sovereignty over nations as well as His care for His people’s safety and future prosperity.

Analyzing Jesus’s Teachings on Building Walls and Establishing Borders

The teachings of Jesus Christ have been a source of comfort, guidance, and peace for millions of people. One important aspect of Jesus’s teaching is his stance on the issue of building walls and establishing borders. Many believe that Jesus’s teachings were not meant to be taken literally when it comes to the concept of walls and borders. Instead, these teachings were intended to symbolically demonstrate the importance of understanding between people and nations.

Jesus was known for advocating for unity, rather than division or separation. He taught his followers that loving one another was much more important than trying to create physical barriers between people. In the Gospel according to Matthew 19:14, Jesus says “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”. This statement speaks volumes about how important it is for people to come together instead of separating themselves from one another through walls or borders.

Another teaching from Jesus speaks against separating people in an attempt to build walls or establish borders. In Luke 10:27-37, Jesus tells a parable about a Good Samaritan who helps a man who has been beaten by robbers even though they were from two different countries with different cultures. This parable is an example of how we should strive towards understanding each other despite our differences instead of creating artificial boundaries that divide us.

Finally, in John 17:20-21, Jesus prays that all his followers may be united under one common goal: “That they may all be one; even as thou Father art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us…that they may be one even as we are one” This prayer emphasizes how important it is for us to work together despite our differences rather than trying to divide ourselves through physical barriers such as walls or borders.

In conclusion, when thinking about Jesus’s teachings regarding building walls and establishing borders it is clear that he was advocating for unity over division or separation among people and nations. His parables emphasize the importance of understanding each other despite our differences instead of creating barriers between us that keep us apart. Through this understanding we can see why so many find comfort in his words today as they search for peace during difficult times.


The Bible is full of verses about borders and walls that can help us understand the importance of boundaries in our lives. The Bible encourages us to build and maintain healthy boundaries in our relationships, and to recognize when it’s appropriate to build a wall or set a boundary. It is not wrong to protect ourselves from harm or from those who do not have our best interests at heart. At the same time, we should also remember that God wants us to be kind and understanding towards others, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. We must strive to find balance between protecting ourselves and showing compassion towards others.

Overall, the Bible teaches us that borders and walls can be both good and bad depending on the context and purpose they serve. While walls can provide safety from external threats, they should not be used as a tool for keeping people out or for shutting others down. Instead, we must look for ways to use borders and walls to foster understanding, peace, and unity within our communities.




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