bible verses about being an example

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The Bible is full of verses that encourage us to be examples for others. Whether it’s in our family life, church life, or in the workplace, we are called to live out our faith through our actions and attitudes. We are called to be the light of Jesus Christ to those around us. These verses remind us that being an example is not only important for us, but it also has eternal significance. Here are some Bible verses about being an example.Ephesians 5:1-2 “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

Philippians 2:14-16 “Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life.”

1 Peter 5:3 “Not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.”

2 Timothy 3:10-11 “You, however, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness.”

Titus 2:7-8 “Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity,”

The Importance of Being an Example According to the Bible

The Bible is filled with examples of people who have served as examples for others. From Moses to Jesus, these individuals have provided valuable lessons that can be applied in our own lives today. In fact, being an example is a key part of Christian living and one of the most important ways we can serve God. Here are just a few reasons why it is so important to be an example according to the Bible:

1. It Sets a Good Example for Others

One of the main reasons why it is important to be an example according to the Bible is because it sets a good example for others. By living our lives in accordance with God’s Word, we can lead by example and show others what a life devoted to Christ looks like. This can be especially helpful for young children or those who are new in their faith.

2. It Glorifies God

When we live our lives as examples for others, we are ultimately glorifying God and showing His love for us. By being a good example, we demonstrate our faith and trust in Him, which brings Him honor and glory.

3. It Encourages Others

Being an example is also important because it encourages others in their own faith journey. When people see us living out our faith day-to-day, they are more likely to be encouraged themselves and strive to do the same.

4. It Shows Our Obedience to God

Ultimately, when we strive to be examples according to the Bible, we are showing our obedience and submission to God’s will for our lives. This is one of the greatest gifts we can give Him—our willingness to follow His commands and serve Him wholeheartedly.

Being an example according to the Bible is one of the most important ways that Christians can serve God today. By setting a good example for others, glorifying Him with our actions, encouraging those around us, and being obedient to His Word—we can make a lasting impact in this world for His glory!

What Does the Bible Say about Setting a Good Example?

The Bible has plenty to say about setting a good example. From the Ten Commandments to proverbs and parables, Scripture offers many lessons about how to be an example of good behavior. In addition, Jesus set an example for us to follow, showing us how to live with love and kindness. Here are some ways that the Bible encourages us to set a good example:

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Love Others: The Bible teaches us that we should love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). Jesus showed us how to show love and compassion for others, even those who may not deserve it. He also taught us that true love is not just in words but also in action (John 13:34-35). We should strive to show love and kindness in our words and deeds.

Be Humble: It is important to remember that God is the source of all things and no one should boast about their own accomplishments or look down on others (James 4:10). Jesus humbled himself even though he was God’s son (Philippians 2:6-7), so we should strive to be humble as well.

Always Do What is Right: The Bible tells us that we should always do what is right according to God’s law (Romans 12:17-19). We should strive to conduct ourselves with integrity and honesty, even when it’s not easy or convenient. Jesus set an example for us by always doing what was right despite facing temptation or persecution.

Be Patient and Kind: The Bible teaches us that patience and kindness are essential virtues for living a godly life (Galatians 5:22-23). Jesus showed us how important it is to be patient with others, especially those who are different from us. He also showed us how kindness can go a long way in building relationships and inspiring change.

By following these principles from the Bible, we can become better examples of what it means to live as Christians. Setting a good example isn’t always easy, but if we strive to follow Jesus’ teachings, our lives will reflect his example of grace and mercy.

Examples of Biblical People Who Set a Good Example

The Bible is filled with stories of people who have set a good example for us to follow. From Moses, who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, to Esther, who risked her life to save her people from destruction, these individuals serve as role models for us today. Here are some examples of Biblical people who set a good example:

Moses: The story of Moses is one of the most famous in the Bible. He was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and ultimately help them reach the Promised Land. Throughout his journey, he was obedient and courageous despite facing tremendous odds. His faithfulness and trust in God were an inspiration to those around him.

David: As a young shepherd boy, David was an unlikely candidate for becoming king but through God’s guidance he was chosen to lead Israel. He was a great leader who showed courage and strength when facing adversaries. He also demonstrated humility and mercy when dealing with those around him.

Abraham: Abraham is known as the father of faith because he trusted in God’s promises even when it seemed impossible. His faithfulness was rewarded by God and his descendants became numerous nations. He serves as an example for us today that if we trust in God we will be blessed beyond measure.

Esther: Esther is another example of someone who had great faith and courage. She risked her own life to save her people from destruction by boldly approaching the King with her plea for help. Her selfless act exemplifies what it means to put others before yourself.

These are just a few examples of Biblical people who set a good example for us today. They demonstrate what it means to be faithful, courageous, humble, and loving even when faced with difficult circumstances. We can learn from their stories and strive to follow their examples as we seek to live our lives for Christ.

How to Be a Good Example According to the Bible

The Bible is filled with numerous examples of how to live a life of faith and virtue. From Abraham and Sarah to Jesus and his disciples, there are countless stories about how God’s people lived and served their communities. Following the example set by these great men and women can help us become better examples of God’s love in our own lives. Here are some tips on how to be a good example according to the Bible.

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Prayer: The Bible teaches us that prayer should be a regular part of our lives. We should make time for prayer every day, whether that means dedicating an entire hour or just a few minutes here and there throughout the day. Prayer is one way we can stay connected to God, seek His wisdom, and ask for strength in times of trouble or temptation.

Love: Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to love God and love our neighbor (Matthew 22:37-40). This means treating everyone we encounter with respect, kindness, generosity, and compassion. Love is not just about being nice; it’s also about living out our faith with integrity—being honest in our words and actions.

Humility: The Bible also exhorts us to be humble (Proverbs 11:2). Humility means recognizing that all good things come from God and that we are not more important than anyone else. It means being willing to admit when we’re wrong, putting others before ourselves, and striving for excellence without pride or arrogance.

Service: Jesus frequently spoke about serving others (Mark 10:45), so it follows that service should be an integral part of our lives. We can serve through volunteer work in our community, helping those in need, or simply offering words of encouragement or support when someone needs it most.

Living according to biblical principles isn’t always easy, but by seeking God’s guidance—and following the example set by His people—we can become better examples of His love for all mankind.

The Benefits of Being an Example for Others in the Bible

The Bible is full of stories that teach us how to be an example for others. It is important to recognize the benefits of being an example for others in the Bible, as it can help us to live a life that is pleasing to God and beneficial to our own lives. Here are some of the benefits of being an example for others according to the Bible:

Setting an Example for Others: The Bible encourages us to set a good example for others by living a life full of righteousness and faith, so that those around us can learn from our example and follow in our footsteps. By setting a good example, we can help those around us live better lives, and provide them with encouragement and guidance when they need it.

Building Relationships: Being an example for others also helps us build relationships with people who may have different beliefs or backgrounds than we do. When we take the time to show love and respect towards those around us, it helps create a bridge between people of different views or backgrounds, which can lead to strong relationships that are built on mutual trust and understanding.

Showing Compassion: Finally, being an example for others is also important because it allows us to show compassion towards those around us. We can use our own experiences and struggles as examples for how other people should handle their own problems, helping them feel supported and valued. In addition, by showing compassion towards other people’s struggles, we can help them find strength in their own lives.

Following Biblical Examples in Our Lives

The Bible is filled with examples of how we should live our lives. From the Ten Commandments to Jesus’ teachings, it’s a great source of guidance and inspiration. Learning from the examples in the Bible and applying them to our own lives can help us become more Christ-like. Here are some ways we can follow biblical examples in our lives:

Study the Bible
The first step to following biblical examples is to study the Bible itself. Read different books of the Bible and search for verses that speak to you individually. Mark down any verses that stand out or seem meaningful to you, then spend time meditating on them. This will help you gain a better understanding of what God desires for us.

Pray Regularly
Prayer is an important part of following biblical examples. Jesus prayed often, and so should we. Take time every day to pray and thank God for all that He has done for us. Pray for guidance when making decisions, strength when facing struggles, and wisdom when dealing with difficult people or situations.

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Practice Patience
Patience is a virtue that can be difficult to practice in our fast-paced world, but it is an important example set forth by Jesus in the Bible. Remember that things don’t always happen as quickly as we want them to – sometimes we have to wait for God’s timing before something comes to pass. Practice patience with yourself, your family and friends, and even strangers.

Show Compassion

Jesus showed compassion towards everyone He encountered – no matter their background or beliefs. This is an example we should strive to follow in our own lives as well. Showing compassion towards others means treating them with kindness, understanding, empathy and love.

Serve Others Selflessly

Jesus was constantly serving others selflessly throughout His ministry – even sacrificing His life on the cross for us! Serving others without expecting anything in return is a powerful way of living out biblical examples in our lives today. Look for ways you can serve those around you – from helping a neighbor with yard work or volunteering at a local soup kitchen.

The Need for Role Models in Our Society According to the Bible

In the Bible, we can see that God has a plan for our lives and He wants us to follow examples of people who have gone before us. The Bible calls these role models “heroes of faith” (Hebrews 11:32). In other words, they are people who have trusted in God, followed His commands, and modeled their lives after Him. From Abraham to Esther to Paul, we have a long list of individuals who serve as our examples and mentors.

The Bible teaches that these role models are important because they help us stay on the right path. They provide direction in areas like marriage, parenting, work ethic, and more. They also remind us what it looks like to pursue righteousness and remain faithful when faced with adversity. By studying their stories, we can gain insight into how God works in our lives and develop a deeper level of trust in Him.

Furthermore, having role models can help motivate us during difficult times by giving us hope that our struggles will eventually lead to success. The Bible is full of stories about people who faced adversity but ultimately prevailed due to their faithfulness and perseverance. By looking at these stories we can be encouraged that if we remain devoted to God then He will bring us through any trials or tribulations we may face.

Ultimately, the need for role models in our society is clear from what the Bible teaches us. When we look at the heroes of faith from the past we can be inspired by their courage and determination to put their trust in God no matter what life throws at them. By following their example, we too can stay steadfast in our pursuit of righteousness and trust in God’s plan for our lives!


The Bible is full of verses that challenge us to be examples to those around us. Whether we are called to be examples of faith, hope, and love, or leaders in our communities and churches, we should strive to be the best example we can be. We can use the advice given in these passages to guide us as we think about how our decisions and actions will affect those around us. Being an example involves more than just avoiding sinful behavior – it means living out a life that reflects God’s love for us and the world He has created.

We must remember that being an example is not easy. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication. But with faith in God and support from our communities, we can live as examples for others to emulate. Let us continue striving to be good examples of faith, hope, and love so that those around us may come to know the Lord better.




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