bible verses about arrogance

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Arrogance is a trait that is often frowned upon in society. The Bible has a lot to say about pride and arrogance, emphasizing the importance of humility and modesty instead. Throughout the Bible, there are many verses that speak of the dangers of arrogance and the blessings of humility. These Bible verses offer wise counsel and serve as an important reminder for all of us to strive for humility instead of arrogance.1. Philippians 2:3-4 – “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”
2. James 4:10 – “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”
3. Proverbs 22:4 – “Humility is the fear of the Lord; its wages are riches and honor and life.”
4. 1 Peter 5:5-6 – “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.”
5. Micah 6:8 – “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

What Does the Bible Say about Arrogance?

The Bible speaks out strongly against arrogance. In Proverbs 11:2, it states, “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” This verse emphasizes the importance of humility and recognizing our need for God’s help. It is clear that pride brings about disgrace and will ultimately lead us away from God.

In James 4:6-7 it says, “But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, ‘God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” This passage shows us that humility is an important component in resisting temptation and drawing closer to God. God opposes those who are prideful and instead gives grace to those who are humble and submit themselves to Him.

The Bible also warns us against trying to exalt ourselves above others. In Luke 14:11 Jesus said, “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” This passage reminds us that we should not try to make ourselves superior over others; rather we should strive for humility so that we can be exalted by God in His time.

Ultimately, the Bible emphasizes the importance of humility in our lives. Pride is an attitude that can easily lead us away from God and He opposes those who are arrogant. We should strive for humility so that we can draw closer to Him and receive His grace.

The Dangers of Arrogance in the Bible

Arrogance is a quality that can lead to a person’s downfall in the Bible. It is seen as a sin and is condemned by God. The Bible often uses stories to illustrate the dangers of being arrogant and how it can lead to destruction. One example is found in the story of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who was arrogant and proud and was punished by God for his pride.

The Bible also tells the story of Pharaoh, who refused to listen to God’s commands and was destroyed as a result. This shows how arrogance can have disastrous consequences and how important it is to obey God’s commands. Similarly, in the story of Job, we see how Job was afflicted with many troubles because he became too proud and boastful about his status.

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The Bible also speaks about Solomon, who was given great wisdom but became proud and foolishly turned away from God’s commands. As a result, he faced many difficult times. These stories demonstrate that when one becomes too proud or arrogant, they can suffer greatly for it.

The Bible also warns against being too prideful or haughty, as this will lead to destruction and punishment from God. Proverbs 16:18 states “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall”. This verse serves as an important reminder that arrogance can have dire consequences if one does not repent for their sins or turn away from their prideful ways.

In conclusion, the Bible warns us against being too arrogant or proud because it can lead to destruction and punishment from God. We should strive to stay humble before Him so that we may avoid such consequences.

Examples of Arrogance in the Bible

The Bible is full of examples of both humility and arrogance. In the Old Testament, some of the most prominent figures such as Moses and King David were known for their humility, while others such as Pharaoh and King Saul showed a clear lack thereof. In the New Testament, Jesus teaches humility through his actions and parables.

One example of arrogance in the Bible is found in the story of Pharaoh. When asked to free the Israelites from slavery, he refused and instead increased their workloads. His pride made him unwilling to give up his power, despite knowing it was wrong. Similarly, King Saul was arrogant in his pursuit of power when he disobeyed God’s orders to destroy all Amalekites. Saul’s pride ultimately cost him his kingship.

The New Testament also contains examples of arrogance in the form of those who opposed Jesus’ teachings. The Pharisees were often guilty of this; they were so proud in their own righteousness that they refused to accept Jesus as their savior and accused him of blasphemy instead.

In contrast to these examples, Moses is a prime example of humility from the Old Testament. Despite being a great leader of Israel, Moses always humbly submitted himself to God’s will and followed His commands without question or hesitation. Similarly, Jesus also displayed a great amount of humility throughout his ministry by washing his disciples’ feet and even dying on the cross for our sins despite knowing what would happen ahead.

These examples demonstrate that arrogance can block us from following God’s will while humility allows us to do so more easily. We should strive to be more like Moses and Jesus who were humble even when faced with difficult situations, instead of being like Pharaoh or Saul who chose pride over obedience to God’s will.English.

Arrogance: Proverbs

Arrogance is a trait that many people do not appreciate. It can be seen as a show of disrespect for others and can come across as overly pompous or boastful. Proverbs have been passed down through the generations to try and discourage people from exhibiting arrogant behavior. Here are some of the most common proverbs about arrogance:

  • Pride comes before the fall.
  • A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.
  • The higher up you go, the further you have to fall.
  • Arrogance invites disaster while humility invites blessings.
  • A vain person talks too much; a proud person does not listen enough.

These proverbs are intended to remind us that humility is far more valuable than arrogance. It is important to remember that no matter how much success we have achieved in life, there will always be someone who knows more than us or has done more than us. When we acknowledge this fact and remain humble, we can accomplish much more in life than if we were to become arrogant and think only of ourselves.

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How to Overcome Arrogance According to the Bible

The Bible has a lot to say about arrogance, from warnings about its dangers to guidance on how to overcome it. In Proverbs 11:2, we read, “When pride comes, then comes disgrace; but with humility comes wisdom.” This verse serves as a reminder that pride will lead us into trouble, while humility is the path to true wisdom. Here are some other biblical principles that can help us overcome arrogance and cultivate humility instead:

Recognize Our Human Limitations
Humility starts with recognizing our own limitations and understanding that we can’t do everything on our own. Ecclesiastes 5:2 says, “Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.” This verse encourages us to take a step back before speaking or acting and consider our place in the grand scheme of things.

Admit Our Mistakes
Arrogance often keeps us from admitting our mistakes or taking responsibility for them. Instead of pridefully trying to hide or excuse our mistakes, Proverbs 28:13 encourages us to “confess our sins and he will forgive our wickedness.” We can show humility by taking ownership of our wrongs and then asking for forgiveness.

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

In addition to recognizing our own limitations, it’s important that we give credit where credit is due. There are times when we may be tempted to take credit for someone else’s accomplishments or hard work – but this kind of behavior is arrogant and unbecoming of a Christian. Proverbs 27:2 reminds us that “let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips.”

Seek God’s Wisdom

James 1:5 tells us that “if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously without finding fault.” When we humbly seek out God’s wisdom, He will provide us with the answers we need in order to make wise decisions. We should also remember that it isn’t up to us alone – God is ultimately in control.

By following these biblical principles on how to overcome arrogance, we can cultivate a spirit of humility in our lives which will enable us live more faithfully according to the teachings of Christ.

Pride vs. Arrogance in the Bible

The Bible speaks of both pride and arrogance, but there is a clear distinction between the two. Pride is a sense of self-worth that can be seen as a positive trait when it is based on humility and respect for others. On the other hand, arrogance is a sense of superiority over others and is seen as a negative trait in many biblical passages.

The Bible has numerous examples of people who were proud, but not arrogant. For example, King David was proud in his accomplishments but was also humble before God. He acknowledged God’s greatness and thanked Him for His blessings. In contrast, Pharaoh was arrogant in his power and refused to acknowledge God’s authority over him.

Pride can be seen as a positive trait when it is directed towards personal growth and development or when it leads to respect for others. On the other hand, arrogance can lead to selfishness and disregard for the needs of others. The Bible clearly states that pride goes before destruction but humility comes before honor (Proverbs 16:18).

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In summary, pride is a sense of self-worth that should be based on humility and respect for others while arrogance is seen as an overbearing sense of superiority over others which can lead to selfishness and disregard for others’ needs. The Bible encourages us to have pride in our accomplishments but also reminds us to remain humble before God and respectful towards others.

How to Avoid Being Arrogant According to the Bible

The Bible has many teachings about avoiding arrogance, and understanding these principles can help us to stay humble. First and foremost, it is important to remember that pride goes before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). This is a reminder that no matter how proud someone may feel, their pride will eventually lead them down a path of destruction. Furthermore, the Bible also teaches that humility is the way to true greatness (Matthew 23:12). This means that by humbling ourselves and trusting in God’s plan for us, we can reach our full potential.

The Bible also tells us to be mindful of our words (James 3:5-6). It warns us against speaking in an arrogant manner because it can easily lead to strife and contention. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of the words we use when talking with others. Additionally, we should also strive to be slow to speak and quick to listen (James 1:19). By listening carefully and considering what others have to say before talking ourselves, we can avoid the pitfalls of arrogance.

Finally, the Bible teaches us that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5-6). This means that those who remain humble will find favor with God, while those who are arrogant will face His resistance. It is important for us to remember this as we go through life so that we can keep our focus on God’s plan for our lives instead of becoming prideful in our own accomplishments or abilities.

In conclusion, avoiding arrogance according to the Bible requires humility and mindfulness. We must remember that pride goes before a fall and strive for true greatness through humility. We should also guard our words carefully and be quick to listen instead of speaking arrogantly. Finally, we should always remember that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble so that we may remain focused on Him rather than our own accomplishments or abilities.


It is clear from the Bible that arrogance is not something that God wants us to have in our lives. Proverbs 16:18 tells us that pride goes before destruction, and James 4:6 says that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. James 3:14-16 explains how our words can be evidence of an arrogant heart, and Philippians 2:3 calls for us to empty ourselves of our pride and exalt others above ourselves.

The Bible is full of verses about humility and against arrogance. We can use these verses to help guide us in how to live our lives – avoiding pride and arrogance while embracing humility. If we are able to do this, we will be living according to God’s plan for us and will be blessed with His grace.

God’s word has a great deal to say about being humble and avoiding arrogance. We should strive to heed these verses in order to live a life pleasing to God. Doing so will bring great blessings into our lives both now and in eternity.




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