Kim Nahn

bible verses about appreciating your husband

The Bible is full of verses that remind us to appreciate and love our husbands. God has called us to honor our husbands in all aspects of life and to recognize the special gifts and qualities that God has given them. In Ephesians 5:33, Paul encourages us to "let the...

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bible verses about apologizing

The Bible contains many verses that talk about the importance of apologizing and seeking forgiveness. From stories of Adam and Eve to Jesus' words on the cross, the Bible provides guidance on how to make amends with others. Apologizing is not only a sign of humility,...

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bible verses about anxiety and strength

The Bible is filled with examples of how God provides strength and comfort to those who are struggling with anxiety. In times of distress, it can be helpful to turn to the scriptures for solace and guidance. These bible verses about anxiety and strength offer comfort...

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bible verses about anointing oil

The Bible is full of references to the use of anointing oil. Anointing oil is used in ceremonies and rituals that are considered sacred and has been used from ancient times. In the Bible, it is mentioned as a symbol of consecration, blessing and protection. It is...

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bible verses about animals

The Bible contains many verses that speak of animals and our relationship to them. From the seven days of creation to the end of Revelation, the Bible speaks of animals in a number of ways. From passages that emphasize God’s care for creation to others that offer us...

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bible verses about angels on earth

The Bible is filled with stories and verses about angels on earth. From the angel Gabriel announcing the birth of Jesus, to the angels guarding the gates of heaven, and even angels sent to protect us from harm, scripture has much to say about our heavenly guardians....

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bible verses about ambition

The Bible is full of verses about ambition. It speaks of the importance of having ambition and striving to achieve goals that are set. It also warns against becoming too ambitious or having ambitions that are not in line with God’s will. Here are some of the Bible...

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bible verses about alcohol

The Bible has a lot to say about alcohol and its effects. From the prohibition of wine during certain festivals to warnings against drunkenness, there are numerous verses in both the Old and New Testaments that address the topic of alcohol consumption. These verses...

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bible verses about age of accountability

The Bible is filled with verses about the age of accountability, the age when children are responsible for the choices and consequences of their own actions. In the Bible, this age is often associated with the age of majority, which is the legal age when a person is...

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bible verses about advocating for others

The Bible is full of verses about advocating for others. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, God calls us to stand up for those in need and show mercy and kindness to our neighbors. In these passages, we are reminded of the importance of defending the rights...

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I am Kim Nahn and my wish is to give you the best experience about the bible verses.

The article is written by me where I share my passion for this topic and I hope I have shed some light to you on this topic.

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