The Bible speaks of earthquakes in the last days in several passages. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus Christ warns that there will be “great earthquakes” and other signs of the end times. The prophets Isaiah and Joel also speak of earthquakes in connection with the...
bible verses about earthquakes
The Bible has many references to earthquakes. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, Scripture speaks of earthquakes as a sign of God’s presence and power. Earthquakes are a reminder of God’s sovereignty over all creation and His authority over mankind....
bible verses about earth day
Earth Day is an important reminder of our responsibility to care for the Earth and its resources. The Bible offers us a number of verses that speak to this responsibility, and can provide us with guidance and strength on this special day. Here are some of the most...
bible verses about eagles wings
The Bible contains many references to eagles and their wings. These references have come to represent strength, protection, and hope in the face of adversity. The Bible speaks of God's care for His people, and how He provides protection through the wings of eagles. It...
bible verses about dying to self
The Bible has much to say about dying to self, which is an important concept in living a life of faith. Dying to self is the act of surrendering one's desires and putting God's will above our own. It involves a willingness to let go of control and trust in God's plan...
bible verses about dying and going to heaven
Death is a difficult topic to talk about, but the Bible offers comfort and hope in our grief. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, there are a number of passages about death and going to Heaven. These Bible verses remind us that there is something more beyond...
bible verses about dying
The Bible is filled with verses that offer comfort and hope to those facing death and the grief of losing a loved one. These passages offer words of solace for those who are grieving, reminding them that God is always with us, even in death. The Bible also speaks of...
bible verses about drunkenness
The Bible contains many verses about drunkenness and its effects. It is clear from reading these verses that drunkenness is a sin and should be avoided. The Bible also talks about the dangers of alcohol consumption and how it can lead to destruction and disaster....
bible verses about drunkards
The Bible is full of verses that speak directly to the issue of drinking and being drunk. In scripture, drunkenness is considered a sin, and it is seen as a form of debauchery and foolishness. The Bible warns us to stay away from strong drink, to not be a drunkard,...
bible verses about drugs and smoking
The Bible is filled with verses that address the issues of drugs and smoking. In the Old Testament, God makes it clear that He disapproves of such behavior and warns us against their use. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ builds upon this teaching, emphasizing that...

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