Kim Nahn

bible verses about being happy in hard times

The Bible is full of inspiring verses about being happy in hard times. Despite the difficulties and struggles we face in life, these uplifting verses remind us that joy and peace can be found even in the midst of difficult circumstances. From finding strength to...

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bible verses about being forgiven by god

The Bible is full of verses that speak of God's forgiveness and mercy. In the Bible, God tells us that He will forgive all our sins, no matter how big or small. He also offers us grace and mercy when we turn to Him in repentance. From the Old Testament to the New...

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bible verses about being fearless

The Bible is full of encouraging verses about being fearless. Scripture is clear that God calls us to be courageous and to not be afraid or discouraged, no matter the situation. From Moses to Joshua, David to Paul, the Bible speaks of many great individuals who faced...

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bible verses about being content

The Bible is full of verses that can provide us with encouragement and comfort when it comes to being content with our lives. Throughout the Bible, God encourages us to be content in all circumstances. He reminds us that we should be thankful for what we have, trust...

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bible verses about being clean and organized

bible verses about being clean and organized

The Bible has many verses that talk about being clean and organized. These scriptures remind us of the importance of keeping our life and environment clean and orderly, as well as the benefits that come from doing so. These verses also show us how God values...

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bible verses about being chosen by god

The Bible is filled with verses that speak to God's chosen people. Throughout the Scriptures, we are reminded of God's love and mercy for us and how He has chosen us to be His children. This selection of Bible verses about being chosen by God will encourage and...

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bible verses about being broken

The Bible speaks of brokenness in many ways. It can refer to physical brokenness, emotional brokenness, spiritual brokenness, and so on. But no matter what kind of brokenness we may be going through, the Bible is full of promises and verses that can offer us hope and...

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bible verses about being brave

The Bible contains many verses that emphasize the importance of being brave. From encouraging us to stand firm in our faith to admonishing us to be strong in the face of adversity, these Bible verses remind us that courage is an essential part of living a godly life....

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bible verses about being blessed and thankful

The Bible is full of verses that remind us to be thankful and blessed for the gifts that God has given us. From Matthew to Revelations, the Bible is full of reminders that we should be thankful and recognize how blessed we are. Whether it’s through the Psalms or...

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bible verses about being an example

The Bible is full of verses that encourage us to be examples for others. Whether it’s in our family life, church life, or in the workplace, we are called to live out our faith through our actions and attitudes. We are called to be the light of Jesus Christ to those...

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I am Kim Nahn and my wish is to give you the best experience about the bible verses.

The article is written by me where I share my passion for this topic and I hope I have shed some light to you on this topic.

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